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Endless Reader


Endless Reader is an iOS game that aids children in reading using colorful characters and an interactive approach.

Children are shown the letters of the alphabet and upon clicking one a word appears. The child must then move the letters to make the word. Once this task is completed the word is shown in a sentence and the child can put that together.

Teaching children words that begin with that letter, how to pronounce it and how to use that word in a sentence is coupled with animated characters that entertain children. This forms a step to further in depth development of reading skills and eventually writing skills by providing word and sentence associations.

Using mobile technology promotes digital learning, which within the next few years will be completely incorporated in the traditional education of children. No longer will only educational games, such as Reader Rabbit be the only means of technology used to facilitate learning. Other types of commercial games, as well as those advocating educational benefits will become the norm, according to the Horizon Report (New Media Consortium, 2011).

The app is a free download and is recommended for young children beginning to learn the alphabet, to form sentences and implement reading.

Some questions to ask your child while playing:

Is the child able to identify each letter of the alphabet and recite the alphabet?

Is the child able to put letters together to make a word?

Does the child know what the word means?

Can they put it in a sentence?

Can they name other words that start with the letter?

Are they able to pronounce the word correctly?


The Horizon Report,K-12 (2011). New Media Consortium, 2011.

Technology in education (2011, September 1). Education Week. Retrieved on March21, 2016 from

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