Loopimal is a music creating tool aimed at children ages 6 to 8. The premise of the app is to allow young children to create music...
Lonely Beast ABC
The Lonely Beast ABC is an interactive storybook for iOS devices. The app allows children to go through the alphabet in a unique way that...
I Imagine
I imagine is an iOS interactive storybook for children. The app allows for a child to create three characters. They create themselves, a...
Dragon Shapes
Dragon Shapes is an educational game for iOS devices. The premise is to teach young children the basics of shapes and how they fit...
Toca Builders
Toca Builders is a world building game much in the same vein as the popular Minecraft. The creation process is more limited and directed...
Pick A Path
Pick A Path is an ios game that teaches math through puzzles. The basic gameplay in the app is simple. You guide an octopus character...
NFL Play 60
NFL Play 60 is a iOS game by the American Heart Health association. The premise is to get children active by using the devices built in...
Math Planet
Math Planet is an iOS game that specializes in teaching basic Math, one of the STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and...
Math Heroes
Math Heroes 1 is a free iOS game by the same group that made Dragon Shapes that teaches Math to children. The game teaches the...
Endless Reader
Endless Reader is an iOS game that aids children in reading using colorful characters and an interactive approach. Children are shown the...